Advice and estimates
Get a quick and free quote for your construction project. After having assessed your needs and resources, our team of consultants and estimators will be able to provide you with recommendations on the best goods and services for your floor covering project.
Always methodical, our consultants and estimators are masters at analyzing requirements, estimates and plans to determine the right materials, equipment and manual labour requirements for your floor covering project. Courteous and professional, our consultants and estimators will help you plan your floor covering project, and solve many of your technical problems related to the removal of your current flooring, whether for the support preparation and/or the laying of a floor covering. We will assist you throughout the process, from the specifications phase to the design of your flooring, to ensure your choices (type of flooring, color, texture) meet your expectations, and that your floor covering does exactly what is intended to do.
The role of our consultants and estimators stands out on all levels, either for the management of a floor laying project or for the coordination of floor laying work. They also act as a liaison between other contractors, which ensures good communication and collaborative work, in particular to keep the project on schedule. Their broad expertise, quality customer service and in-depth knowledge on floor covering products and installation will contribute to the added value of your project.
You will be surrounded with highly skilled professionals that will make you benefit from a highly efficient corporate structure to ensure you a most satisfying buying experience. Your flooring project is never the work of one single person, but that of an entire team, well-informed on the process of the work and offering our customers unmatched follow-up and ease of communication. Your flooring project will be the matter of one single company, the one and only, Roy & Fils Ltd.
For questions or to request a quote, feel free to contact one of our consultants and estimators. They will be pleased to schedule an appointment at your convenience.